Let's get going and sell as many of your books as possible!

Who else wants a step-by-step guide to help you sell more books - and one that comes with a guaranteed?

We GUARANTEE that as long as you complete all the activities presented in the program, you WILL SELL MORE BOOKS than you were selling before you started the program (and while we cannot guarantee that you will become a best-seller on Amazon, it is highly likely!)...

Or, we will give you one month of FREE one-on-one personal and individual book marketing and sales coaching, valued at $5,500 USD to make certain that you do!

The vast majority of the action items in the program do not require any cash outlay - most of them simply require your time and passion to promote your book.

Real Solutions, Real Results!

You get access to EVERYTHING in this 10 week course IMMEDIATELY - all 20+ lessons - and you can come back to it again and again for a full 365 days!

  • Step-by-step instructions on the HOW, not just information on the what

  • Actual links to people and places where you can market and sell your book

  • Improve your personal brand and authority as a thought leader in your niche

  • Grow an authentic audience of readers who love your books

  • ...and SO much MORE! Scroll down for a full description of this Author Masterclass...

What You'll Learn:

This is a MUST for ALL Self-Published Authors!

    1. Where do I start?

    2. Create Your Book Marketing Plan

    3. Create & Build Your Author Platform

    1. Know & Engage With Your Audience

    2. Prepare & Distribute Your Book Marketing Assets

    1. Become a Best-Seller on Amazon

    2. Enter Writing Competitions & Attend Book Fairs

    1. Build Your Book’s Platform

    2. Run Price Promotions

    1. Get More Exposure Online

    2. Spread The Word On Social Media

    1. Optimize Your Book’s Amazon Presence

    2. Participate in (and host!) Events & Webinars

About this Author Masterclass

  • 23 lessons

Client Testimonials

Learn the 'secret sauce' for selling more books and becoming an Amazon best-seller

We have already worked with many, many clients and helped them to become Amazon best-sellers - and in this program we give you access to all the action items that we took to make each of them a best-seller on Amazon.

Many people believe to become a best-selling author you need to be rich, well-known, and/or have a huge and responsive email list – BUT it’s nice to know becoming a best-selling author is still an achievable goal for those who are not already rich and famous…

We have taken the best of what we know, and what we have learned over the past decade or more, and put it into this Author Masterclass.

We have even included all our 'secret sauce' action items for how we have been able to help so many people achieve Amazon best-seller status.

What's more, many of the activities you will presented with do not require any cash outlay - a lot of them simply require your time.

We have even provided links upon links upon links for you so you don't even need to do your own research!

Why I created this Author Masterclass

“My name is (Leigh) Bella St John – and I have helped more clients than I can recall to write and sell more books, and in particular, to become best-sellers on Amazon.com. This program came about because I wanted to prove to my students and coaching clients that without being famous and without promoting it to your email list (that is, even if you have one!) ~ if you follow the steps, and your book is actually what people want to read, you can sell more books and even possibly become an Amazon.com Best-Seller!”